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St. Stephen's es una comunidad acogedora y confiada con una diversidad de dones; donde todos son iguales en Cristo. Vivimos nuestros votos bautismales a través del respeto mutuo, el ministerio compartido y la adoración gozosa.


El amor de Dios alcanza a todos. Nadie está excluido de ella, traspasa las fronteras de cultura, religión, raza, etnia, género y edad.

El amor de Dios transforma. Nuestro campo misionero se encuentra entre nuestra familia, amigos, trabajo, vecinos, colegas y las personas que conocemos en nuestra vida diaria.


En St. Stephen's, Iglesia significa una comunidad de apoyo, un lugar donde puedes aprender, crecer y sanar, y un espacio sagrado donde puedes encontrar y experimentar la santidad.

Somos una mezcla salvaje de personas: episcopales de toda la vida nacidos y criados en la tradición anglicana, conversos de la religión más extendida de Utah, lugareños, inmigrantes, de todas las generaciones y de todos los ámbitos de la vida. Todos estamos buscando algo y todos dudamos de algunas cosas, pero tratamos de construir una buena comunidad, de apoyarnos unos a otros y de aceptar que podemos ser maravillosos y profundamente defectuosos al mismo tiempo. Nos equivocamos, aprendemos, crecemos y sanamos.

Creemos en un Dios amoroso, liberador y vivificante: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Como miembros constituyentes de la Comunión Anglicana en los Estados Unidos, somos descendientes y socios de la Iglesia de Inglaterra y la Iglesia Episcopal Escocesa, y formamos parte del tercer grupo más grande de cristianos en el mundo.

Creemos en seguir las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, cuya vida, muerte y resurrección salvó al mundo.


Tenemos un legado de inclusión, aspirando a contar y ejemplificar el amor de Dios por cada ser humano; mujeres y hombres sirven como obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos en nuestra iglesia. Los laicos y el clero cooperan como líderes en todos los niveles de nuestra iglesia. El liderazgo es un don de Dios y puede ser expresado por todas las personas de nuestra iglesia, independientemente de su identidad u orientación sexual.

Creemos que Dios te ama, ¡sin excepciones!



  • Section I.1.1. Purpose.  St. Stephen’s and San Esteban Episcopal Church is organized as an unincorporated mission entity of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah and The Corporation of The Episcopal Church in Utah under the laws of the State of Utah. The purpose of this Congregation is to love others as God loves us; to share our God-given gifts with our community; to celebrate and honor the cultural diversity of our members by incorporating the respective cultural traditions of our members in our worship, program ministries and governance; and to encourage a variety of spiritual journeys within the broad tradition of The Episcopal Church as we promised in our baptismal vows. This Congregation is newly constituted as the result of combining the formerly separate Congregations of St. Stephen’s and San Esteban, and is organized to celebrate and preserve the respective gifts and traditions of those Congregations within the life of the Diocese of Utah. It is expected that elections and appointments to various governing bodies, offices and committees will, to the extent reasonably achievable, reflect the diversity of the combined Congregation. 

  • Section I.1.2. Authority.  The Congregation is governed by and accedes to the authority of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah.

  • Section I.1.3. Principal Office.  The location of the principal office the Congregation shall be 4615 South 3200 West, West Valley City, Utah 84119.

  • Section I.1.4. Congregational Form. This Congregation is a Mission Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, as defined by the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah.

  • Section I.1.5. Composition of Congregation. The Congregation consists of two worshipping bodies, each of which has its own traditions, style of worship and language. These two bodies complement each other and strive to work together. For purposes of reference within these Bylaws, those worshpping bodies are St. Stephen’s which is primarily English-speaking, and San Esteban, which is primiarily Spanish-speaking.



  • Section II.2.1. Persons Who Are Members. Membership is prescribed by the Canons of The Episcopal Church as follows: 

  • All persons who have received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in this Church or in another Christian Church, and whose Baptisms have been duly recorded in this Church, are members thereof.

  • All members of this Church who have received Holy Communion in this Church at least three times during the preceding year are to be considered communicants of this Church.

  • All communicants sixteen years of age and over are to be considered adult communicants.

  • All communicants of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God are to be considered  communicants in good standing. 

  • Section II.2.2. Voting Members.  Each adult communicant and member of the Congregation, as defined in the preceding section, shall be entitled to vote on each matter submitted to a vote of members.

  • Section II.2.3. Eligibility for Office.  All adult communicants who have met the requirements of membership in the Congregation prescribed in Section 2.01for at least one year shall be eligible to hold office in the Congregation, either by election or appointment.



  • Section III.3.1. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Congregation shall be held each year, normally in January, at a date, time and place designated by the Bishop, or by the Vicar, Wardens and Bishop’s Committee. The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to receive the reports identified below and such other business as required. The meeting shall be conducted by the Vicar, if present. If the Vicar is not present, the meeting shall be conducted by the Senior Warden.   

  • Section III.3.2. Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the members may be called by the Bishop, or by the Vicar and Wardens, or in the case of a vacancy in the office of Vicar, by the Bishop or Wardens.

  • Section III.3.3. Notice of Meetings.  A written or printed notice stating the place, day, date and hour of any meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than fourteen (14) nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting, either by mail or electronically, to each member entitled to vote at the meeting. Alternatively, notice may be given by publication in the monthly newsletter or three consecutive Sunday bulletins of the Congregation.

  • Section III.3.4. Quorum.  There shall be no minimum number of members required to be present at a meeting of members in order to constitute a quorum.

  • Section III.3.5. Majority May Conduct Business.  The vote of a majority of the members entitled to vote and present at a meeting shall be the act of the members at the meeting. 

  • Section III.3.6. Voting; Proxies.  Each member present who has attained the age of sixteen (16) shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of the members. Voting by proxy is prohibited.

  • Section III.3.7. Agenda Items.  Items to be included on the agenda of business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting include the election of Bishop’s Committee members; election of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the Annual Diocesan Convention; Reports of the Vicar or other Clergyperson in Charge, Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Treasurer; presentation of the Annual Budget; special presentations; voting on any amendment to these Bylaws; and such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting. At a minimum, the agenda of the Annual Meeting shall include a presentation by the Vicar or other Clergyperson and the Senior Warden or, in his or her absence, the Junior Warden, of a full and faithful account of the condition of the Congregation. Following the Annual Meeting, the reports of the Vicar and Senior Warden shall be delivered to the new Bishop’s Committee to be examined by them and entered in the record book of the Congregation.

  • Section III.3.8. Rules of Procedure.  Except to the extent inconsistent with the Bylaws, the Annual Meeting and any Special Meeting of members shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order or such other rules as may from time to time be adopted by the Bishop’s Committee.


  • Section IV.4.1. Duties and Authority. The Vicar is the chief ecclesiastical and administrative officer of the Congregation and may preside at all meetings of the Congregation and the Bishop’s Committee. The Vicar shall have charge of all phases of the worship of the Congregation. Specific duties shall be set forth in a Letter of Agreement between the Vicar and the Bishop’s Committee in conference with the Bishop and in accordance with the Canons of The Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Utah.

  • Section IV.4.2. Appointment. The appointment of a Vicar shall be the responsibility of of the Wardens and Bishop’s Committee in conference with the Bishop and in accordance with applicable Canons and Policies of the Diocese.

  • Section IV.4.3. Dissolution. Dissolution of a pastoral relationship shall occur only in accordance with the Canons of The Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Utah. 


  • Section V.5.1. Powers. The affairs and activities of the Congregation shall be managed by the Bishop’s Committee, subject to the authority of the Bishop and any rules or procedures as may have been prescribed by the Bishop. Subject to these limitations, the Bishop’s Committee may exercise all such powers of the Congregation and do all such lawful acts and things as are not prohibited by statute, the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church, the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, or these Bylaws.  It shall be duty of the Bishop’s Committee to take charge of the property of the Congregation and its endowments; to regulate all its temporal concerns; in accordance with the Constitution and Canons, to approve the selection of a Vicar in collaboration with the Bishop and to provide for the support of the Vicar; to provide for paying all Canonical assessments on the Congregation; and in general, to act as helpers to the Vicar in whatever is appropriate to Lay persons in the furtherance of the Gospel--it being understood always that the spiritual concerns of the Parish are under the exclusive direction of the Vicar, subject to the Ecclesiastical Authority and Canons of the Diocese. 

  • Section V.5.2. Number, Term and Election.  The Bishop’s Committee shall consist of six (6) elected members. Elected members shall be elected by ballot by a majority of the votes cast by the voting members at each Annual Meeting for individual terms of three (3) years, commencing upon the installation of the newly constituted Bishop’s Committee following the Annual  Meeting or until their successors shall be duly elected, qualified and installed. The terms shall be staggered to promote stability and continuity  The number of Bishop’s Committee members may be increased or decreased by amendment to these Bylaws proposed by the Bishop’s Committee and subsequently approved and confirmed by the majority of the votes cast by the voting members at the subsequent Annual Meeting.

  • Section V.5.2.1. One of the elected members of the Bishop’s Committee shall have been elected from and to represent the San Esteban worshipping community, elected as provided in Article 5, Section 2, of these Bylaws.

  • Section V.5.3. Eligibility.  Any voting member of the Congregation who is and has been an adult communicant in good standing for at least one (1) year before the election takes place is eligible for election as a member of the Bishop’s Committee.  No person having served on a Bishop’s Committee shall be eligible to serve again until one (1) year after expiration of his or her period of service; provided, however, that a member who is serving a term of less than two (2) years to which he or she has been elected to fill a vacancy shall be eligible for election to one (1) full term.

  • Section V.5.4. Vacancies.  In the event of any vacancy on the Bishop’s Committee caused by the death, resignation, disqualification or removal of any member, such vacancy shall be filled by the majority vote of the remaining members.  The term of office of the replacement so elected shall be the unexpired balance of the vacated three-(3)-year term of office.

  • Section V.5.5. Removal.  Any member of the Bishop’s Committee who is absent from regular meetings of the Bishop’s Committee for a continuing period of three (3) months without valid excuse is subject to removal by a majority vote of remaining members, who may fill the vacancy by electing another eligible person to serve the unexpired balance of the three-(3)-year term of the removed member.

  • Section V.5.6. Meetings of the Bishop’s Committee.

  • An annual organizational meeting of the Bishop’s Committee shall be held following the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, at which meeting the Vicar shall appoint the Senior Warden and the Bishop’s Committee shall elect the Junior Warden, Clerk and Treasurer. In the absence of a Vicar, the Senior Warden shall be appointed by the Bishop.

  • Regular and special meetings of the Bishop’s Committee may be held at any place     within or without West Valley City or the State of Utah.

  • Regular meetings of the Bishop’s Committee shall be held according to a schedule adopted annually by the Bishop’s Committee at its annual organizational meeting.  Written or oral notice of regular meetings of the Bishop’s Committee to be held at other than such stated day, time and place shall be given to each Committee member at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting.

  • Special meetings of the Bishop’s Committee may be called by the Vicar or, in his or her absence, by the Senior Warden, or, in the absence of both, by the Junior Warden or, if requested in writing by a majority of the Bishop’s Committee, by the Clerk. Written or oral notice of special meetings of the Bishop’s Committee shall be given to each member of the Committee at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting.

  • At all meetings of the Bishop’s Committee the presence of a majority of the members of the Committee then in office shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the conduct of the affairs of the Congregation and the act of a majority of the Bishop’s Committee members present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Bishop’s Committee, except as may be otherwise specifically provided by Canon, statute or by these Bylaws.  If a quorum shall not be present at any meeting of the Bishop’s Committee, the Committee members present may adjourn the meeting from time to time, without notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum shall be present.

  • All Bishop’s Committee meetings are open to all voting members of the Congregation, who may speak by invitation but not vote. Bishop’s Committee meetings may be closed for an executive session for  discussion of personnel matters, disciplinary matters, attorney-client communications or discussion of legal negotiations, or to approve the minutes of a prior executive session. In any executive session, only Bishop’s Committee members, ex-officio members of the Bishop’s Committee and specifically invited guests may remain in the meeting room. 

  • Except to the extent inconsistent with these Bylaws, all regular and special meetings of the Bishop’s Committee, or any Committee thereof, shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order or such other rules as may from time to time be adopted by the Bishop’s Committee.

  • Section V.5.7.  Action by Written Consent.  Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Bishop’s Committee, or of any committee thereof, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing or by electronic means, setting forth the action to be taken, is approved by a sufficient number of members of the Bishop’s Committee or other committee members, as the case may be, as would be necessary to take the action at a meeting at which all of the Bishop’s Committee members or other committee members, as the case may be, were present and voted.

  • Section V.5.8. Ex-Officio Members of Bishop’s Committee.  The Treasurer of the Congregation and the Clerk of the Congregation, if such offices are not held by elected members of the Bishop’s Committee, shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Bishop’s Committee, who shall receive notice of all meetings of the Bishop’s Committee.  The Bishop’s Committee may create other ex-officio Committee positions from time to time.

  • Section V.5.9. Presiding Officer.  If present, the Bishop shall preside at all meetings of the Bishop’s Committee. Otherwise, the Vicar, or such other member of the Bishop’s Committee designated by the Vicar, shall preside in all the meetings of the Bishop’s Committee.  The Vicar of the Congregation is ex-officio President of the Bishop’s Committee and has the casting vote, in case of a tie, on all questions before the Bishop’s Committee. When present, the Bishop is the President of the Bishop’s Committee.

  • Section V.5.10. Minutes.  The Clerk shall keep minutes of all meetings and actions of the Bishop’s Committee to be filed in the record book of the Congregation.

  • Section V.5.11. Special Committees.  The Vicar or the Bishop’s Committee may, from time to time, designate and appoint such other committees as may be required for the purposes of the Congregation. Each such committee shall have the name, membership, duties and responsibilities designated by the Vicar or the Bishop’s Committee and shall be comprised of a Chairperson and other members of the Congregation, none of whom need be members of the Bishop’s Committee, except where otherwise directed at the time of the creation of any such committee.

  • Section V.5.12. Reports to Bishop’s Committee.  All committees shall report to the Bishop’s Committee when required and from time to time.



  • Section VI.6.1. Notice. Whenever under the provisions of the Utah statutes,  these Bylaws or the Canons of The Episcopal Church or of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, written notice is required to be given to any member of the Bishop’s Committee or of the Parish, it shall not be construed to require personal delivery, but such written notice may be given by mail or electronic means approved by the Bishop’s Committee addressed to such member at such address as appears on the books of the Congregation, and such notice shall be deemed to be given at the time when the notice was transmitted.

  • Section VI.6.2. Waiver of Notice.  Whenever any notice is required to be given, as described in the foregoing section, a written waiver thereof signed by the person or persons entitled to said notice, whether signed before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent thereto.



  • Section VII.7.1. Officers of the Congregation. The Bishop is the Rector of the Congregation and is ex-officio President of the Bishop’s Committee with the right to vote in case of a tie vote. Acting for the Bishop and in the absence of the Bishop, the Vicar fulfills these roles. The other officers of the Congregation shall be the Senior Warden appointed by the Bishop or Vicar, and the Junior Warden, the Treasurer and the Clerk elected by the Vestry, all of whom shall serve for renewable terms of one (1) year and shall be installed following the Annual Meeting of the Congregation to serve until their successors are installed.  Any vacancy occurring in any office of the Bishop’s Committee by death, resignation, removal or otherwise shall be filled by the Bishop’s Committee, or, in the event a vacancy occurs in the office of Senior Warden, by the Bishop or Vicar.

  • Section VII.7.2. Vicar.

  • Pursuant to the Canons of the Diocese, the Vicar is the Priest-in-Charge of the Congregation.  Under the authority and supervision of the Bishop, the Vicar is the chief ecclesiastical and administrative officer of the Congregation. As such, the Vicar is ex-officio President of the Bishop’s Committee, and has the casting vote, in case of a tie, on all questions brought before it.

  • The Vicar has the spiritual oversight of the Parish, and shall, at all times, be entitled to the use and control of the Church and Church buildings with the appurtenances and furniture thereof.

  • Specific duties shall be set forth in a Letter of Agreement between the Vicar and the Bishop’s Committee in conference with the Bishop and in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah.

  • Section VII.7.3. Senior Warden.

  • (a)      At the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, the Senior Warden shall be appointed from the membership of the Congregation by the Bishop or Vicar.  The Senior Warden may be, but need not be, an elected member of the Bishop’s Committee.  The Senior Warden shall have seat, voice and vote on the Bishop’s Committee regardless of whether he or she is an elected member thereof. 

  • (b)     The Senior Warden shall serve as the principal lay officer of the Congregation. Subject to the Diocesan Canons, he or she shall have the power to sign contracts and agreements in the name of and on behalf of the Congregation and perform such other duties as the Bishop’s Committee shall prescribe.

  • Section VII.7.4. Junior Warden. [Optional]

  • (a)     At the annual meeting of the Bishop’s Committee, the Bishop’s Committee may elect a member of the Committee to serve as Junior Warden.

  • (b)     The Junior Warden shall be primarily responsible for the physical facilities of the Congregation and, in addition, in the absence of the Senior Warden, shall perform the duties of the Senior Warden.

  • Section VII.7.5. Duties of Wardens.  It shall be the duty of the Wardens to see that the Church building is kept from all uses not authorized by Canon or Diocesan Policy and in good repair; in the absence of the Vicar and according to seniority, to preside at meetings of the Bishop’s Committee and of the Congregation and in the absence of the Vicar, to keep the Church open for Divine Service at the stated times of worship.

  • Section VII.7.6. Clerk.

  • (a)     At the annual meeting of the Bishop’s Committee, the Bishop’s Committee shall elect a member of the Congregation to serve as Clerk.  The Clerk need not be an elected member of the Bishop’s Committee and, if not an elected member, the Clerk shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Bishop’s Committee.

  • (b)     The Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Bishop’s Committee and shall record all proceedings of the meetings of the Bishop’s Committee and of the Congrtegation in the record book of the Congregation, and, when required or requested, the Clerk shall perform like duties for any standing committees.

  • (c)    The Clerk shall give, or cause to be given, notice of special meetings of the Bishop’s Committee.

  • (d)     In general, the Clerk shall perform all duties incident to the office of Clerk and such other duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by or assigned to him or her by the Bishop’s Committee, the Vicar or the Senior Warden, under whose supervision he or she shall be.

  • Section VII.7.7. Treasurer.

  • At the annual meeting of the Bishop’s Committee, the Bishop’s Committee shall elect a member of the Congregation to serve as Treasurer. The Treasurer need not be an elected member of the Bishop’s Committee and, if not an elected member, the Treasurer shall be an ex-officio non-voting. 

  • The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the Parish; shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the Parish and all securities owned by the Parish; shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Parish; and shall deposit all such funds and other valuable effects in the name of and to the credit of the Parish in such depositories as may be designated by the Vestry.

  • The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Congregation as may be ordered by the Vestry, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the Bishop’s Committee at its regular meeting or when the Bishop’s Committee so requires, an account of all of his or her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Congrtegation.

  • The Treasurer shall make provision for appropriate insurance for the Congregation, including also officers and directors liability insurance and fidelity coverage. In general, the Treasurer shall perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him or her by the Bishop’s Committee, the Vicar or the Senior Warden.


  1. Section VIII.8.1. Indeminfication. The Congregation shall indemnify the Bishop’s Committee, the officers, the Vicar and other  staff of the Congregation for all expenses, including attorneys’ fees, actually and reasonably incurred by them in connection with the defense or settlement of a suit in which they are a party by reason of their holding such position, provided that they (a) are successful on the merits of the suit or otherwise; or (b) acted in good faith in the transaction which is the subject of the suit and in a manner they reasonably believed to be in, and not opposed to, the best interest of the Congregation, and with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reason to believe that their conduct was unlawful. A determination that the foregoing standard has been met shall be made by a the Bishop and Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah. Advance payment of such expenses may be made if authorized pursuant to the foregoing procedure and upon the written undertaking of such person or persons to repay the Congregation if it is ultimately determined that they are not entitled to indemnification.



  • Section IX.9.1. Business Methods.  The Congregation shall adhere to and be guided by the business methods prescribed by the Canons of The Episcopal Church, and relevant federal and state laws. Except as may be inconsistent with the said authorities, the following standard business methods shall be observed by the Congregation:

  • Trust and permanent funds and all securities of whatsoever kind shall be deposited with a federal or state bank, or other agency approved in writing by the Department of Finance of the Diocese under either a Deed of Trust or an Agency Agreement, excepting such funds and securities as may be refused by the depositories named as being too small for acceptance. There shall be at least two (2) authorized signatures on any order of withdrawal of such funds or securities.

  • Treasurers and custodians, other than banking institutions, shall be adequately bonded.

  • Such books of accounts shall be kept as shall make them available for satisfactory accounting.

  • All accounts shall be audited annually by a Certified Public Accountant (who shall not be the Treasurer or a member of the Bishop’s Committee) or by such audit committee as shall be approved by the Department of Finance of the Diocese.

  • Annual reports of all accounts shall be made to the Diocese to be reported on by the Department of Finance at the Diocesan Convention and to the Congregation to be reported on by the Senior Warden at the Annual Meeting.

  • All Congregation buildings and their contents shall be kept adequately insured.

  • Section IX.9.2. Policies and Procedures Manual.  The Bishop’s Committee may, with the assistance of the Treasurer and an independent Certified Public Accountant, adopt and maintain a Policy and Procedures Manual which shall set forth all of the financial policies and procedures to be followed by employees of the Congregation in the performance of their duties.  The Bishop’s Committee may amend the Policy and Procedures Manual from time to time.

  • Section IX.9.3. Checks.  All checks or demands for money and notes of the Congregation shall be signed by two (2) or more of the officers of the Congregation or such other persons as the Bishop’s Committee may from time to time authorize and designate.

  • Section IX. 9.4. Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the Congregation shall be the calendar year.

  • Section IX.9.5. Use of Church Building.  The dedicated or consecrated Church and Chapel of the Congregation may be opened only for the services, rites and ceremonies, or other purposes, either authorized or approved by The Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, and for no other use.

  • Section IX.9.6. Limitation of Powers.  The purpose and powers of the Congregation shall be specifically limited by the following provisions:

  • (a)     The Congregation is an entity within the Corporation of the Episcopal Church in Utah, which is organized pursuant to the Utah Religious Non-Profit Corporation Act and does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof and is organized for non-profit purposes.

  • (b)     No part of the net earnings of the Congregation shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to any member of the Bishop’s Committee or officer of the Congregation, or a private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Congregation), and no member of the Bishop’s Committee or officer of the Congregation, or any private individual, shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the Congregation assets on dissolution of the Congregation.

  • (c)    No substantial part of the activities of the Congregation shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or participating in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

  • (d)     Upon any dissolution of the Congregation, all of its assets and income not applied in satisfaction and discharge of the liabilities and obligations of the Congregation shall be distributed to the Corporation of the Episcopal Church in Utah which is qualified as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Jkjondk.  



  • Section X.10.1. Amendment of Bylaws. These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed at any regular or special meeting of the Bishop’s Committee, if notice of the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal is contained in the notice of such regular or special meeting, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Committee who are present and voting at such meeting at which a quorum is present; provided, that any such alteration, amendment, deletion or substitution of the Bylaws shall be consistent in all respects with the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and the Diocesan Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, and provided further that any amendment altering the number of members of the Bishop’s Committee shall not be effective until the date such amendment is subsequently approved and confirmed at an Annual Meeting of the Congregation.

ADOPTED BY THE BISHOP’S COMMITTEE on this _____ day of _______________, 20__.


The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel 

12th Bishop of Utah


Cn. Stephen F. Hutchinson, Esq.

Chancellor and General Counsel


The Rev. Cn. Pablo Ramos, D.D. 



Mr. Carly Burton

Bishop’s Warden


Mr. Rick Stevenson

Junior Warden


Ya sea que sea episcopal desde hace mucho tiempo o simplemente nos visite, es bienvenido en nuestra Iglesia.  Haremos todo lo posible para que se sienta como en casa entre nosotros.  ¿Tiene preguntas? eso es lo que amamos.  


4615 Sur 3200 Oeste

West Valley City, Utah 84119

Teléfono:  801.968.2731

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